"I'm a New Yorker now in Palo Alto, studying how to accelerate technological progress at Stanford, and designing products to magnify people’s knowledge, efficiency, and capability."

"I've built Inkling, a new social layer for writing on the internet; Link, an easy way to find, share, and book time to meet; and Dimension, a blueprint for adapting Figma from desktop to tablet."

"I've helped the teams at Meter, designing the first one-stop shop for getting office internet; Dropbox New Frontiers, designing Dropbox’s product strategy for a new era of work; Apple, designing tools to make app creation a magnitude easier; and Postmates X, designing how a delivery robot communicates with pedestrians."

"I'm on Twitter, https://twitter.com/theodorestrauss; LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/theostrauss; Instagram, https://instagram.com/theostrauss; and email, theo@theostrauss.com."